Rekindle the flame between you and your customers!

Thought Leadership

Rekindle the flame between you and your customers!

Small lessons in seduction for inactive customers

"After so many years of living together, you look at me as a stew, no more like a theatre queen."

La Cage aux Folles


With some of your customers, it's no longer as it used to be... There are no more reactions from them to the sales and marketing solicitations you send them? The emails you send them are neither opened nor clicked? These may be the first signs of inactivity among these clients.

An inactive or "asleep" customer is a customer who no longer buys and is no longer receptive to your communications. Inactive customers represent an average between 40 and 60%* of the customers registered in the database.

While most companies focus mainly on acquiring new customers, it is more interesting to try to reactivate sleeping customers.  Why? How?

Here are some ways to rekindle the flame between you and your customers in 3 key lessons.


Lesson n°1: "It is important to keep the flame alive... Otherwise, beware of breaking! »


  • Prospecting costs 7 times more than loyalty


It is easier to reactivate an inactive customer than to convert a prospect. Indeed, your inactive customers already know you; they have been palatable to your products, so you don't start from scratch with them. "The work" to convince them is therefore half done! Reactivating your inactive customers allows you to quickly increase your turnover while limiting your marketing expenses.

In addition, you have customer data (purchase history, communication channel preferences) that allows you to customize the communications you send to them. Re-launching your sleeping customers is thus a way to show your customers that you are still interested in them and that they are not just a purchasing line in your database. 


  • Preserve its deliverability


Deliverability is the fact that your emails reach your recipients' inboxes correctly. Having contacts that do not open or click in emails degrades your deliverability and as a result, email services block your emails, suspecting you of being a spammer! By rebound, there may be a deterioration in the reputation of the IP Sender in some automation marketing platforms such as Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Nevertheless, to preserve your deliverability, we recommend that you solicit your inactive people sparingly, only through personalized and attractive campaigns.



  • Anticipate the increase in churners


The churn rate (or attrition rate) represents the loss of customers over a given period. To reduce this rate, indicators must be tracked to identify clients who are about to leave the service, but before they do. Inactive behaviour (more transactions, more reactions to commercial communications) are generally the first warning signals for future "churners". It is much easier to convince a customer who is about to leave to stay than to recover a customer who has already left. 




Anne Sophie VISEO
CRM & Digital Consultant

5 years in relationship marketing for B2C and B2B sectors. Skills : - Lead generation & CRM - Campaign management & Marketing Automation - Database management  - Project management