Salesforce REX by VISEO

Experience Feedback

Feedback of a Salesforce project for a customer in logistics

A feedback of the first mission that Mikel, Salesforce Consultant, led while arriving at VISEO within the Salesforce team in Aix-en-Provence.

The customer context

"Our client, having started its activity in the PACA region, has rapidly expanded its international offerings." explains Mikel.
With the opening of its various subsidiaries, headquarters supervision became more complex because the monitoring methods were not standardized (Excel files or various CRM solutions depending on the country), making consolidation difficult.

VISEO methodology applied to Salesforce

"Through a classic but effective project approach, I particularly appreciated the way VISEO consultants were able to be close to the customer and constantly listening. Throughout the implementation, we worked hand in hand over all phases of the project, from the design to the deployment of Salesforce within all subsidiaries. "

Salesforce's contributions to the customer's daily routine

At the end of this project, conclusive improvements were set for the client:


- The customer has a platform that is unlike any other Salesforce platform, with a personalized home page that includes information for users, branded in its image (Logo, colors ..) and with business objects of its own.


- All subsidiaries manage the monitoring of their activity on a single platform.


- Users, from sales people to managers, can easily and quickly access the monitoring indicators that are most relevant to them.


- Users can work in their own language, using different currencies (4 languages ​​and 7 currencies implemented at this client's site), without this requires any additional action on behalf of management to have a consolidated view in Euro - main currency of the group.


- Collaboration on the business and switch within the various teams during the process are facilitated.


- By default, users have limited visibility to their country, but mechanisms allow them to collaborate with colleagues outside the country if necessary.


- Each type of user has a profile-optimized view with quick access to relevant objects for their business, and data access is segmented according to roles (so users do not have access to data for which they do not have the necessary rights); this segmentation is based on business processes and not on the corporate hierarchy, which allows it to be very flexible.

A rewarding project experience for Mikel

"When I joined the Salesforce team in Aix-en-Provence just a few weeks ago, I was trusted to lead this end-to-end project for this important client, and we set an SAP offer at the same time. " says Mikel.


"This project was set up in Lightning Experience, a new Salesforce user interface that I had never worked on despite almost 4 years of experience, so I had the opportunity to improve my skills, with unfailing support from my new colleagues, while immediately putting into practice the VISEO management processes presented during the integration week. Thant granted me a strong sense of success, specially concerning the effects of our project on improving and simplifying our customer's daily life. "