VISEO Hackathon: How to fight school bullying?
For 2 days we organized and worked on a Yakathon around school harassment, with a product at stake: AURIS!
School bullying now affects 1 in 10 students in France. With the increasing use of smartphones and social networks, cyberbullying is on the rise: in 2017, 25% of high school students reported having experienced at least one attack via new technologies, whether it was insults, humiliations or threats. Commonplace, this violence is often ignored or ignored by those who witness it: children, but also faculty, supervisors and management.
AURIS, a solution created to break these silences
We met in a hackathon for 2 days to work on the subject.
Following the phases of empathy, brainstorming, selection and refinement, we opted for the creation of a module, Auris, integrated into the students' extranet that allows us to track down their problems.
In concrete terms, the module has 2 functions:
1. Analyze over time the well-being of students
Every week, students must go to the module to "deposit their mood". The platform generates 4 images corresponding to distinct moods and feelings (joy, fear, anger, sadness) and the student must select the one most representative of his state of mind or mood. His choice is based on a database that deals with the moods of all moods and generates statistics on changes in student well-being according to a time filter that can be observed by the CPE or the principal.
2. Report and detect alerts and weak harassment signals
The module also allows students to report harassment, racketeering, theft or other violence they have witnessed or experienced. The alert goes up to the back office supervised by the Educationnal Adviser, which must then process the case. The student can also describe what he or she has seen and felt: using a natural language detection and sentiment analysis tool, the module can detect risky behaviours and report alerts about a student's discomfort at the Educationnal Adviser.
This module could be integrated into a first one on the extranets of the schools that have them. The second step would be to integrate it into a national extranet platform that could be used in all schools to have an integrated system and tools common to all to all to deal with this type of problem, which is still not sufficiently reported.
A useful and inclusive innovation
Users with students, teachers, principals and educationnal advisers are planned to validate the relevance of the concept and persevere in improving the tool.
This project is part of our approach to useful and inclusive innovation, where the entry point is not necessarily technology but use and real need.
To be continued!