Our CSR commitments
Our commitment is to work towards a sustainable digital future.
Over the last few years, VISEO has been actively engaged in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. By implementing several key initiatives such as raising awareness of climate issues, minimising our environmental impact and promoting an inclusive society, we are working to meet our stakeholders’ expectations and tackle the challenges facing our industry.

VISEO’s CSR approach: a shared, unifying and meaningful business strategy.
We have been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact since 2019.
The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative that encourages businesses to adopt ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, international labour standards, the environment, and anti-corruption.
From ‘Digital Makers’ to ‘Positive Digital Makers’.
We aim to maintain steady growth momentum while ensuring a positive impact on all stakeholders and society. One of our key goals is to foster social empowerment through digital skills, by providing our support to meaningful projects.

Our mission is to promote social empowerment through digital skills.

We identify the digital talent of tomorrow.
We strive to build an inclusive society through employment opportunities.
We promote the value of social inclusion.
We want to give every employee the opportunity to contribute to the Group's momentum.
We support our staff throughout their careers.
We are independent, flexible and committed to creating a positive employee experience.
We value collaboration and encourage the sharing of values.

Our commitment is to work towards a sustainable digital future.

We raise awareness among employees about climate change.
We aim to reduce our environmental impact.
We promote sustainable digital practices in order to take collective action.
VISEO's Ecovadis score improves every year
In 2023 VISEO was awarded the bronze medal by EcoVadis and achieved a score of 62 out of 100 (56/100 in 2021, 60/100 in 2022). EcoVadis is an international platform that assesses companies on their environmental performance and corporate social responsibility
At VISEO, we believe that transparency is key to any CSR approach.
Our entire approach is based on ethical and responsible governance practices that we share with all our stakeholders, in particular supply chain partners. Our CSR report is published every year and outlines the Group’s CSR approach, initiatives and outcomes.