VISEO assists Engie Cofely on Salesforce Pardot
On the optimization of its customer experience with Salesforce Pardot
ENGIE Cofely is a leader in the energy transition in France. It’s a services company in the energy and environmental efficiency, part of the ENGIE group (previously called GDF-Suez). It offers French companies innovative and efficient solutions in the energy sectors that answer the challenges of the future.
With a 2.5 Billion € in revenues and 12 000 employees in 2016, ENGIE Cofely is proud to sign “long term contracts with our clients” explains Céline Forest, Director of the customer experience and communication.
ENGIE Cofely, a 100% customer-oriented digital strategy
For ENGIE Cofely, the customer experience, that represents a complete department within the company, is a major issue. “We realized our added value in a sector -the B2B one- where the customer experience is not very developed, she affirms. We chose to look closely at the customer journey”. A good opportunity also to differentiate themselves from its competitors.
Customer assistance, Claims management, Customer satisfaction, Steering of the commercial activity through the CRM, Marketing automation or even the identification of digital channels for sales are the main actions at the direction of the customer experience at ENGIE Cofely.
Qualified Leads for the Sales Team
ENGIE Cofely decided to look for an efficient digital solution to achieve its objectives, and chose in 2016 to go with Salesforce Pardot, the tool for B2B marketing experts.
“After choosing to implement a Salesforce CRM in 2014, Pardot was the logical next step” explains the director. Linked to the CRM, Pardot is the ideal solution to contribute to the commercial development in the company and create synchronized leads with Salesforce CRM.
“We have at stake to develop our commercial efforts and we want to provide our sales team with pre-qualified leads that we could not have qualified with classic prospection analyzes Céline Forest. This allows us to work with the different subsidiaries and bring closer the sales team to the customer experience.”
Thus, Pardot is helping ENGIE Cofely to commercialize and get closer to its customer in a unique way on new channels (emailing campaign in particular) or through the implementation of digital claim channels.
“Our objective is Omnichannel, to let our clients decide how they want to reach out to us, explains the director. All the actions from the direction bring a 360° view of the client to the company and increase our customer knowledge offering our sales team key information so that they can optimize their actions.”
VISEO, from the operational side to the training of the teams
To be successful with this transformation, the Customer Experience’s Direction assisted the 350 sales representatives of the company with the Pardot adoption.
And to implement the solution, ENGIE Cofely turned to VISEO, Platinum Salesforce integrator. The project initiated in 2016 was finalized in November.
“VISEO helped us with the operation part, the implementation of the solution, the connection and training of the teams of the Customer experience department, explains Maria-Paula Sanchez, in charge of marketing automation and new communication channels at ENGIE Cofely. On our first marketing automation campaign in November, VISEO provided us with advices and best practices on how to build the customer journey, the messages and the way to create and assemble the content”
“We now have more than 90 commercial leads thanks to Pardot” , happily announced Céline Forest. “We work now on B2B2C solutions to get in touch with our final customers”.