VISEO Employees Raised Fund to Support Our Affected Employees of Typhoon Odette


VISEO Employees Raised Fund to Support Our Affected Employees of Typhoon Odette

VISEO provides an additional €50,000 to aid our impacted team members in Cebu, Philippines.

On December 16th 2021, we were heartbroken that Typhoon Odette struck the southern and central Philippines. Overnight, the typhoon left thousands of families homeless and helpless.


The main needs include access to everyday essentials that were washed away by the typhoon, such as food and key household items, including equipment for cooking hot meals and clean, safe drinking water. Temporary shelter for those who have been displaced is also a critical need, along with medical and hygiene kits, particularly in island communities that are hard to reach, even in normal circumstances.


Our global employees have come together to raise more than €6,825 in support of our affected team members by Typhoon Odette. VISEO has provided an additional €50,000 to aid in the recovery. With the generous donation, we are able to assist our 77 affected team members in Cebu, Philippines who bore the catastrophic losses to their homes and personal belongings.


“We want to thank our #PositiveDigitalMakers for contributing to the Typhoon Odette fundraising campaign. These donations have come from all roles and geographies. Even from afar, we’re all in this together.”, said Olivier Dhonte, Chairman & VP of VISEO.